
How to use MakinaCamera

1. When you take the picture
touch [take a picture].

Then, 24 posed photographs are displayed, and ..liked pose.. touch, please. The pose of a red frame is selected this time.

The camera starts with woman. When is moved by the finger, it moves. Please move to wherever you like.

Please push the [push button] when the position of women is decided or push the shutter button of the camera.

If a camera is rotated, a woman will also rotate.

You can also perform pinch in and pinch out.


2. When you see the photograph
To confirm the taken photograph, the gallery button is pushed.

Then, the following screen is displayed.

You can see the photograph by touching in the photograph.

Then, the photograph is displayed.

The following screen is displayed when touching, and the image can be sent with mail and twitter, etc.
To delete the image of which it takes a picture, it returns to the screen ahead, and it touches long.

Then, the following dialog is displayed. Please push No when you do not delete Yes when you may delete it.

3. place of picture
The preserved file is under the folder of/sdcard/Makina.
4. その他
When the image of which it takes a picture is shown, it is glad.
Similar "virtual girl friend" is also well.free.

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